"Find out in your drinking is safe"
The campaign is addressed to adult consumers of alcoholic drinks, including those who think that they drink moderate amounts and in a prudent manner.
The objective of the campaign is to reduce the number of people whose drinking patterns are hazardous or harmful and to propagate knowledge on damages related to alcohol consumption. Studies conducted by PARPA show that the population of persons with hazardous and harmful drinking behaviours amounts to nearly 13% in Poland and is four times higher that the population of people with alcohol dependency, which is assessed at almost 3%.
Almost 1,500 local and 15 regional authorities joined the campaign.
The campaign tools include:
- TV and radio spots
- posters, billboards and city lights
- educational materials, including those designed especially for medical practitioners (brochures, fliers, books, guide books)
- website addressed to adult consumers of alcohol www.wyhamujwpore.pl
- website addressed to youth www.niebotak.pl
- local debates, training for doctors and nurses, training for sellers of alcoholic drinks, educational classes at driving schools, etc.
Each adult person can make an Alcohol Screening Test (AUDIT) and find information about low risk levels of drinking at the campaign website at www.wyhamujwpore.pl.
As part of the campaign, a special prevention message is sent to the young people.
Especially for them a www.niebotak.pl website will be launched, which shows that the safest behaviour for the minors is to abstain from drinking. PARPA has prepared and distributed among Polish schools scenarios for teachers’ meeting with parents and lesson plans for prevention classes. Moreover, it has distributed educational materials entitled „Nie, bo tak” (No, Because), addressed to the young people.
Additional materials
Drinking Patterns Among Adult Poles
Materials for the press - basic facts on alcohol and alcohol-related problems
TV spots