Financing the execution of the Act Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism takes place within budgets of its executors. Pursuant to art. 11 of the Act on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism, the funds in the amount of 1% of inflows from the excise tax on alcohol products to the state budget are earmarked for expenditures related with the National Programme of Preventing and resolving alcohol-related Problems.
Financing the programme at the province and communal level takes place, aside from own funds, with use of funds collected due to fees defined in the regulations of the Act on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism:
- At the province self-government level – within funds obtained by province governments from fees for using permits for wholesale trading in beverages with the contents up to 4.5% of alcohol, and beer, and also beverages containing more than 4.5% and up to 18% of alcohol.
- At the communal self-government level – within funds obtained by communes from fees for using permits for retail sales of alcohol.
Distribution of the expenditures in 2013 on the implementation of the tasks associated with resolving alcohol problems on the administration levels are shown on the chart: