Alcoholic beverages are the most common psychoactive substance among adolescents. As can be seen from research realized in 2011 within the international project ESPAD 87.3% of students from third grade secondary schools (age: 15-16 years) and 95.2% of students from second grade schools schools (age: 17-18 years) drank at least once in their lifetime. What is worth mentioning the respondents declare high level of avalability of alcoholic beverages.
The respondensts during the last 30 days before the research at least once were in a state of intoxication (21.4% of adults aged 15-16 years and 32.3% of 17-18 years). Only 51.4% of pupils younger and 29.7% of older students throughout all life long haven’t been in a state of intoxication.
Alcohol consumption by the Polish youth is at the average level as compared with the rest of Europe.